Here are just a few samples of the quality carpets we have available.
        Please visit our showroom and the manufacturers' web sites above for more.
Country Carpet Shoppe provides quality carpeting products from the following brands:
Country Carpet Shoppe, LLC 3784 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085 Phone: (269) 429-8911
Showroom Hours: Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, Sat: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Sunday: CLOSED
With so many different brands and types of carpeting, how do I choose?
 Country Carpet Shoppe has thousands of samples for you to browse and compare. There is always knowledgeable staff on hand to help you find what you're looking for, and to suggest carpeting brands and types that match your needs. We can even give you advice on how to care for the carpet you selected.
©2015 Country Carpet Shoppe, LLC 
The  Tech The of Southwest Michigan   Tech of Southwest Michigan
Floor Care Tips! Clean up spills as quickly as possible, especially liquids that can soak into the padding if left alone. Always protect your carpeting when moving furniture and appliances! Use plywood or sliders if there will be any contact with the floor. Stop in to the Country Carpet Shoppe today and purchase a set of EZ Moves, The original furniture sliders. Use only quality cleaners that are approved for your carpeting. For Carpet Cleaning, Country Carpet Shoppe recommends: Shaw R2X Carpet Stain & Soil Remover - We always keep it in stock! Urine-Off Pet Odor and Stain Remover - Don’t treat those pet stains with anything else, until you’ve used Urine-Off first! It’s even recommended by Veterinarians. Stop in and pick some up today. We’re your only local carpet shop to carry it! HOST Dry Carpet Cleaning System - No steam, no water. Clean your carpet without all the mess!